The MOT Juice Test Log Analysis system automatically downloads your MOT test log data each month and analyses it for you. The system will then notify you of any MOTs that match each of your test log filters, allowing you to dig deeper and conduct a review.
Our system is the most advanced and flexible test log data analysis tool available on the market. It’s more than a simple Excel formula as our algorithms and calculations have been custom built by us according to client requirements and DVSA red-flags, and is constantly being upgraded at pace to ensure it helps you to always stay ahead of the DVSA and out of trouble.
This auto-analysis of your data saves you a huge amount of time (and money) from having to manually trawl through hundreds of MOT records each month for each item you want to look for – MOT Juice does this all for you, for all your test log filters, in a matter of seconds. The MOT Juice Test Log Analysis system conducts over 3 million calculations each month, helping MOT businesses spot any potential suspicious activity happening in their MOT bay at any time.
With MOT Juice, you can create as many filters you need that analyses data fields including:
Test day (i.e. Monday, Saturday, Sunday etc);
Vehicle make (i.e. Ford; Vauxhall, Mercedes etc);
Test type (i.e. normal test or retest);
Result (i.e. passed, failed, aborted etc);
Test duration (i.e. is shorter than, or is longer than etc);
Time between tests (i.e. is less than, or is more than etc);
Emission type (including entry type);
Brake test type (including entry type);
Test failure categories (e.g. brakes, or tyres);
And many many more.
You can combine as many rules as you need in order to monitor your Test Logs on a granular level. For example, you can create a filter that works like this:
Show me all MOTs that took longer than 60 minutes to complete, resulted in a pass, was a normal type of test and is a class 4 vehicle.

By default, our system comes packed with 7 pre-defined filters to get you up and running. These filters can help highlight any suspicious activity according to typical DVSA trends, but you can also create as many custom filters as you want that highlights any MOTs that go against your own internal company policies.
Our pre-defined filters include:
IP address variants
This filter will highlight whether an MOT was logged on at 1 IP address and logged on on another IP address. This is the filter used by the DVSA to track whether MOTs are being completed at a testers’ house, or in a different country.
Original and retest tester is different
This filter will quickly show you any retests that have been completed by a tester that did not do the original MOT test. The DVSA would like for the original tester to also be the one who does the retest wherever possible.
Retests quicker than 60 seconds
This filter will highlight any MOT retest that is being completed too quickly. Typically, a retested MOT should be logged on, brought onto the ramp, checked thoroughly before finally being logged off. If the test is quicker than 60 seconds, it may highlight a tester taking shortcuts or not checking items thoroughly enough.
MOTs that took longer than 2 hours
This filter will help you identify any tests that are being conducted too slow, or perhaps forgot to be logged off. The MOT Testing Guide details that an MOT must only be conducted while both the vehicle and tester are on site at the same time. This filter can help highlight any tests that forgot to be logged off before the end of the day, putting you at risk of a 500 point disciplinary.