MOT Centre Site Auditing

Keep tabs on your VTS risk score and identify & fix problematic areas.

MOT Centre Site Auditing

Keep tabs on your VTS risk score and identify & fix problematic areas

What are Site Audits?

A Site Audit (also known as a compliance audit) is a tool for measuring the overall compliance within your MOT Centre. A site audit will generally look at the same things the DVSA Vehicle Examiners (or VEs) will inspect upon a site visit in order to give you an idea of your performance and identify areas for improvement without the risk of a VE issuing any penalty points.

As well as general MOT operations, a site audit should also look into:
  Customer areas (accessibility, cleanliness, facilities and more);
  Housekeeping including secure storage of records (training, calibrations, QC checks and more);
  Systems security including MTS, MOT bookings, customer records (GDPR) and more.

You can use a 3rd party site auditor, or you can utilise tools yourself to perform regular site audits.

You’re responsible for managing your site(s) including keeping it safe, clean and meeting the DVSA standards.

MOT Juice Site Audits

The MOT Juice VTS Compliance system includes the Site Auditing feature to provide you all the necessary tools to conduct a site health check yourself in around 45 minutes at a fraction of the cost of having a third-party auditor on site, saving you both time and money.

Our site audits can offer you a realistic guideline as to how your MOT Centre would perform in a real DVSA site assessment. You can now complete your own site audit to see what your score would be, if the DVSA turned up at your garage today.

The site audit will guide you through your entire MOT Centre, analysing areas such as:
  Customer waiting and reception areas;
  Notices, public information & data retention;
  Workload management & throughput;
  Quality management systems (QMS);
  Staff training;
  Workshop appearance.

Once you have completed a monthly site audit inside your MOT Juice account, you’ll be given one of the following scores:

RED – 360.1+
A red score will indicate many issues with your VTS that need resolving, sooner rather than later. This may also highlight a drop in standards, which needs addressing. A red score should never be ignored! If you have scored red in your Site Audit, we recommend you try to fix some of these issues in the current month and attempt another Site Audit, once you think you have fixed them.
AMBER – 270.1-360
An amber score will indicate that some issues have been found within your VTS that need resolving. There could be some minor issues that can be fixed fairly easily. It is recommended that you aim to address these issues before next month’s Site Audit.
GREEN – 0-270
If you scored green in your Site Audit, then you are broadly on the right track. It is important not to let standards slip. DVSA are tightening their standards and you should always aim to improve wherever possible. If some issues have been highlighted, you should try to fix these over the next couple of months.
compliance suite starting at
VTS Compliance Suite includes Site Audits, QC Checking and Equipment Calibrations.
Purchase Options:

A successful quality management system is one that identifies things going wrong in a timely way and helps the AE put things right. A quality regime that never identifies things going wrong is unlikely to be working effectively. Where things are found to be going wrong, then it is key to record this and show what has been done to prevent reoccurrence.

MOT Testing Guide B6

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Frequently Asked Questions


There’s no requirement to use a third-party auditor to conduct site audits on your vehicle testing station(s). Some business owners prefer it as it frees up their time, but at an increased cost (the auditors time & travel are just a couple of examples of the unnecessary cost with this solution).

MOT Juice removes the additional costs of a third-party auditor, whilst providing you with all of the tools, resources and support you need to ensure your VTS meets (and exceeds) DVSA requirements. In fact, an annual MOT Juice VTS Compliance Suite subscription (including unlimited usage of our QC Checks, Site Audits & Equipment Calibration Scheduling tools) will typically cost you less than one single visit from a third-party auditor.

With MOT Juice, you can do your site audits whenever it best fits your own schedule. You don’t need to worry about setting aside an couple of hours or booking in a slot with an auditor each month, you just log in and start an audit whenever it’s most convenient for you and your business.

More informed approach
With MOT Juice, by taking control of your own site audits you are gaining a deeper understanding of what exactly the DVSA & VEs are looking for when conducting their own site visits. You’ll be able to identify risks yourself, and get clear concise guidance on how to rectify any shortcomings.

Third-party auditors usually only visit your VTS 2-4 times per year. If new compliance issues are only ever identified & rectified during these third-party audits, your business may be left vulnerable, and potentially non-compliance for the months in-between visits. With MOT Juice, you’re able to perform unlimited audits throughout the year (with most VTS’s carrying them out monthly), giving you increased, year-round protection. Areas of improvement are identified & recorded, so you can rectify issues promptly and evidence your actions (something strongly encouraged by DVSA).

MOT Juice VTS Tools, also known as the Compliance Suite, is a range of products and solutions geared to help you as an MOT Centre owner or Site Manager take control of your MOT compliance.

Included in this suite of products is Monthly Site Auditing; Monthly Quality Control Checks and Equipment Calibration Monitoring.

The MOT Juice VTS Tools helps you take control of, and maintain, your DVSA compliance requirements from only £299.90/site per year (or £29.99/site per month).

Conducting regular site audits are a great way to make sure your MOT Centre is compliant with a range of DVSA regulations. A lot of items tend to be forgotten about, and neglected but when a VE comes to visit, these items can really impact on your Site Assessment score, potentially leading to a suspension.

With the MOT Juice Monthly Site Auditing tool, you have the power to check everything a VE would, and ensure it is in a good working condition, and that there are no hazards around your MOT Centre, without having to rely on a third-party to make an appearance ‘once in a blue moon’.

Spend 30 minutes once a month conducting a site audit, identifying any problem areas, and work to resolve them before the following month and you’ll be on your way to running a healthy Vehicle Testing Station. Simply being able to identify a shortcomingA fault or failure to meet a certain standard (eg. tools not properly stored away). and evidencing how you plan to resolve it is great in the eyes of the DVSA.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Browse our FAQ library here, or get in touch with us today.

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