MOT Juice Platform Changelog

Follow the latest development updates to see what’s new in MOT Juice
January 2025
Wednesday, 29th January 2025
Server Maintenance
We have now completed phase I of III in upgrading our server infrastructure. MOT Juice is investing in a brand new server network aiming to provide better service, speed and security across all our products. This helps us continue to deliver ground-breaking technologies, better data security and a more reliable service for the years ahead.
Monday, 20th January 2025
We have added the ability for Site Managers to comment on tester TQI. SM comments do not mark the TQI as ‘reviewed’ as this remains a DVSA requirement for the MOT Testers to review their own TQI.
Thursday, 16th January 2025
Invoice Cross-Checks
We have added the ability to run invoice cross-checks for various groups of garages, making it easier to control which sites to run a report for. I you manage multiple sites, you can now select which sites you want to check instead of just all or one.
Wednesday, 8th January 2025
We have released a new visual update to the TQI Analytics. This update tidies up various aspects of the TQI Analytics product as well as adding a new feature package including the ability to print the charts you create.
Resolved an issue preventing some SMS alerts being sent.
Tuesday, 7th January 2025
We have updated the dashboard on Tester level accounts, adding a button to ‘Start a Mock Exam’ when a tester has completed their annual training. This helps testers follow a robust preparation process before taking their annual assessment after completing their annual training requirement.
Thursday, 2nd January 2025
System Security
Over the Christmas break of 2024, MOT Juice has been rebuilding our system security policies, adding enhanced security measures behind every MOT Juice account. This update takes advantage of new technologies to prevent unauthorised access to any MOT Juice account other than the intended user.
We have added the ability to show/hide the text entered into the password field when logging into your MOT Juice account, allowing users to see if they have typed the correct password.
December 2024
Monday, 9th December 2024
Test Log Analysis
We have added a new option into the Test Log Analysis rule builder, allowing the creation of filters to find any duplicate MOT tests. A duplicate test is considered as any vehicle with 2 (or more) pass results logged against it, one after the other. DVSA considers these types of MOT tests as potentially following incorrect testing practices and could potentially cost you many disciplinary points.
Thursday, 5th December 2024
We have added a new ability to the MOT Juice system allowing users of multiple MOT centres to add sites to a ‘Watchlist’. The watchlist provides business owners to keep track of sites that may not be meeting expectations of the business to ensure all MOT sites within the business are keeping compliant and not putting the business at risk. Sites added to a watchlist will be notified and be able to see the reason for this.
November 2024
Thursday, 31st November 2024
MOT testers now have the ability to opt-in to MOT equipment calibration reminder emails from their Profile > Notifications settings. These reminders allow testers to stay up-to-date on when any MOT testing equipment is due for calibration, as well as any equipment has become overdue and should no longer be used for testing.
This week we have been making enhancements to our MOT Equipment Calibrator API, working closely with a handful of calibration suppliers. This update adds more functionality to the API including the ability to log and monitor equipment defects and schedule them for repair. Users of the equipment (for example MOT Testers) are kept informed of any equipment defects and repair schedules.
Wednesday, 20th November 2024
DVSA Site Visits
We have been making some changes to our DVSA Site Visits feature, introducing some upgraded visual changes as well as adding the ability to log non-actionable VE comments which do not require a task to be created for resolution.
Friday, 15th November 2024
We have added IP address tracking throughout the system allowing clients to track if Site Audits and QC checks are being conducted on-site or off-site. The IP tracking system also tracks where a mobile device was used and whether a VPN was used. This has been added to the MOT Test Logs making it easy to verify that each MOT was logged on from a genuine UK IP address also allowing clients to spot any potential fraud in such scenarios where an MOT was logged form another country (e.g. Spain) and subsequently if the IP was masked by a VPN to appear as though it was done in the UK.
IP Whitelisting
Clients can now set an IP Address whitelist within MOT Juice to specify ‘safe’ IP addresses when conducting MOTs, Site Audits and QC checks. Any IP address found on any records that is not from the whitelist will be flagged to the client for review.
Monday, 11th November 2024
Emission Sample Checking
We have released a new major update to the Emission Sample Checking to now allow users to upload an export from their emissions machine to the MOT Juice system. This will carry out the cross-checking and review activity automatically for them allowing them only to focus on any MOTs that need further investigation and verification.
MOT Equipment
We have made some changes to the MOT Equipment setup flow, making it more intuitive to add equipment details and documents to your MOT Juice platform.
Friday, 8th November 2024
We have released an update to our new Equipment Calibrator API which allows them to add new equipment to their clients. This allows the contracted calibrator of a client to complete the full process of adding new equipment, uploading all relevant documents (such as Certificate of Approval and Equipment Manual) directly to the account and maintain calibration records on behalf of the client.
Thursday, 7th November 2024
We have now added the ability for testers to write a reason why they could not review their TQI in a previous month. These review comments are visible to the management and VEs.
October 2024
Friday, 25th October 2024
We have now added the ability for users to add and manage their industry qualifications from within their MOT Juice account, allowing easy tracking of qualification completion dates, accessibility of certificates and sharing qualifications with existing and potential employers.
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024
QC Checks
We have added tester comments on QC check records to the QC export allowing Site Managers & business owners easily access detailed QC records to ensure maximum compliance.
Monday, 21st October 2024
MOT Juice is now open to MOT Equipment Calibrators!
We have now released an update allowing MOT calibration companies to connect with MOT Juice and submit calibration records & certificates for their customers that use MOT Juice. Calibration companies can either integrate with MOT Juice seamlessly by utilising the MOT Juice API, or they can submit calibration records manually using a dedicated login account which requires no technical knowledge (simply log in and fill in a form to submit your calibration records). For more information on this feature, you can read more here.
Thursday, 10th October 2024
MOT Equipment
We have released the ability to log which equipment used within your MOT operation is ‘connected’ to the MTS. This update also adds the ability for users managing multiple MOT centres to see which sites are connected to the MTS and which equipment is connected.
Thursday, 3rd October 2024
We have added a selection of default avatars allowing users to customise their profile using a generic avatar or upload their own image. Avatars are used throughout the system including in areas such as the MOT Juice Tribe Forum and Media Library.
Wednesday, 2nd October 2024
We have released an update to our e-learning system allowing us more options to offer more question styles within training modules. This update allows us to ask questions that may have more than 1 correct answer but where only 1 selection is required from the learner.
September 2024
Friday, 30th September 2024
Media Library
For the past couple of months, MOT Juice has been developing a dedicated media library for MOT related assets. These assets offer high-quality media useful for training scenarios as well as publications, presentations and more. The Media Library has now been fully released and can be found here:
Friday, 27th September 2024
QC Checks
We have added the ability to see ‘more detail’ on QC checks without having to click into them. This detail quickly shows what vehicle was used, what the outcome was and the comments logged on the QC. Site Managers can utilise this control to quickly see if QC checks are being logged with the necessary detail and take any action necessary if they are not.
Thursday, 26th September 2024
Invoice X-Checks
Made small improvements to the ‘retest’ functionality when conducting an Invoice Cross-Check. These changes help make it easier to set the right controls before conducting an invoice cross-check to ensure the correct results.
Wednesday, 25th September 2024
Resolved an issue with the engagement KPI PDF report showing an incorrect icon.
Resolved some issues preventing an Emission Sample Check being initiated when there were no diesels tested in a month.
Monday, 23rd September 2024
Made adjustments to our server configuration. This update allows us to continue delivering a robust platform with high-end security layers and data protection. This update also introduces enhanced backup handling processes.
August 2024
Tuesday, 13th August 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added the ability to archive test log filters to remove them from your list, but retaining all their historical review data. Another setting has been added to enable/disable the ability for garage level users to create their own test log filters.
Monday, 12th August 2024
Annual Training
Released an update to the annual training, when 3 hours of training has been completed we now show how to upload this to your MOT testing Service profile, complete with copy & paste of all necessary information (such as topics covered, your personal learning comments and how the training was conducted).
Thursday, 8th August 2024
Balanced Scorecard
Added the ability to drill into previous month scorecard ranks to see what individual scores each site had at the end of the month resulting in the final rankings.
Monday, 5th August 2024
Boot Camp
Released an updated interface for the MOT Juice training Boot Camp, making it more engaging and easier to navigate.
July 2024
Monday, 29th July 2024
Annual Training
Released an update making it easier to submit feedback on training modules. This update allows users to report more specific things with the question, such as an issues (typo, incorrect answer, technical issue etc) or sending general positive feedback. This allows us to direct the feedback to the relevant team to resolve and respond to feedback received.
Monday, 8th July 2024
Invoice X-Checks
Added a notification to Invoice Cross-Checking page when Test Log data has not been fully imported yet, allowing users to easily see if they can begin a new invoice cross-check or have to wait until the data has been imported.
Thursday, 4th July 2024
Test Log Insights
Released a major new product. Test Log Insights gives you visibility of your Test Log data like never before. This revolutionary new product provides powerful insight into your testing data compared with national averages and vehicle make averages across the UK. Carefully analyse individual failure categories to see how your testing data looks to the DVSA, spot any red flags and easily take action. Test Log Insights is included with your standard MOT Juice Test Log Analysis subscription.
MOT Booking Diary
Added the time slot time to the booking title, making it easier for you to see which times your customers are booked in for.
Resolved a few bug issues as made various system improvements.
June 2024
Tuesday, 18th June 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added fuel type data to Test Log Analysis. This allows you to further analyse your test log data based on its fuel types as well as combine this with other filter options, such as failures by fuel type. This addition now takes the total data columns that can be analysed to 21, giving you even more flexibility than ever before to monitor the testing activity across your MOT business.
Monday, 17th June 2024
Rolled out a major update to the MOT Juice platform technology, utilising latest software versions for better system speeds, stability and bug reporting/logging. This update comes from the last 12-months of updates and testing essential system technologies resulting in this major roll-out.
Resolved an issue where the site audit was not showing any questions.
Friday, 7th June 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added enhancements to the latest Test Log Analysis data to include failure sub-categories to the recently released failure categories list. This allows you to analyse your failure data and patterns on a far more granular level than ever before.
Thursday, 6th June 2024
Message Centre
A complete upgrade has been completed on the MOT Juice Messaging Centre. This update introduces a new visual package aiming to make the Message Centre easier to use as well as some additional functionality including the ability to create message templates which can then be used by anyone within your business. You can also view & use message templates built by MOT Juice.
May 2024
Thursday, 30th May 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added the ability to filter your test logs using failure categories. This update allows you to further interrogate your test log data using failure category data to find any risks within your business. For example, you can create a filter to find any retest where an MOT failed on brakes but the retest did not have a brake test properly conducted in line with DVSA regulation.
Tuesday, 21st May 2024
Fixed an issue where Tribe Forum comments were not being displayed correctly and not showing any comments/replies.
Friday, 17th May 2024
Added additional grids to the overview dashboard for Test Log Analysis, Invoice Cross-Checking and Emission Sample Checking. It’s now easier to see your entire DVSA compliance metrics from a single dashboard.
April 2024
Tuesday, 23rd April 2024
Test Log Analysis
Introduced a new ability to view your test log data by filter. This new viewing option allows you to view 1 filter at a time and each VTS running that filter, making it easy to track individual risks across your business. You can switch your preferred view at any time from the Viewing Preference quick action.
Thursday, 18th April 2024
Upgrades the Site Audit KPI dial to allow users to toggle on/off the visibility of how many tasks have been highlighted and whether they have been reviewed within the last 30 days or still outstanding.
Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Made enhancements to the underlying architecture of the MOT Juice platform. This specific change targets the Billing and Subscription Settings functionality, utilising updated technological practices to deliver better data processing speeds.
Tuesday, 16th April 2024
Resolved an issue where the ‘last checked’ date in the QC KPI breakdown was showing as ‘never’ in instances where testers had been QC checked in the previous month.
Emission Sample Checking
Added some selectable options for reasons why an emissions report doesn’t exist, as well as when a report does exist but no temperature recorded. These additional options allow more accurate reporting to the AEDM.
Monday, 15th April 2024
Annual Exams
Updated the annual assessment overview page. This update adds visual enhancements to easily see who has passed/failed their exam as well as making it easier to see which testers have confirmed their exam upload on their MTS profiles.
Friday, 5th April 2024
Annual Training
Added a feature to the MOT Juice training modules to indicate which training has been uploaded to the tester’s MTS account.
Thursday, 4th April 2024
Made enhancements to the underlying architecture of the MOT Juice platform. This specific change targets the Test Log functionality and Staff areas, utilising updated technological practices to deliver better data processing speeds.
March 2024
Thursday, 28th March 2024
Made multiple refinements to our automated emailing system. These updates allow us to better handle inbound enquiries and direct them to the suitable in-house department(s).
Thursday, 21st March 2024
MOT Equipment
Added the option to add temperature probe/gauge to your list of equipment allowing you to create a service record/history along with all other equipment.
Wednesday, 20th March 2024
Made refinements to tester level account dashboards addressing a couple of alignment issues on tablets and small PC screens.
MOT Equipment
Added an option to control which data columns are visible when viewing a list of your MOT equipment.
Made enhancements to the underlying architecture of the MOT Juice platform. This specific change targets the TQI functionality, utilising updated technological practices to deliver better data processing speeds.
Thursday, 14th March 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added a new detailed export option to test log analysis, allowing you to download a detailed report of all your test log filters, review status and all review comments.
Resolved an issue where group users (divisional, brand, regional etc) couldn’t access their support tickets.
Tuesday, 12th March 2024
Resolved an issue where some exams were not being released to testers where the release date had been overridden by the account owner. Any MOT tester who may have been affected by this bug has now had their exam released to them.
Made enhancements to the underlying architecture of the MOT Juice platform. This specific change targets the QC Checks and Site Audits, utilising updated technological practices to deliver better data processing speeds.
Site Audits
Made alterations to the MOT Juice Site Audit to deliver class-specific questions, preventing class 1&2 only sites from being asked question that are specific to class 4&7 setups, and vice-versa. This change allows the MOT Juice Site Audit to be more flexible, better targeted towards individual MOT bay setups and deliver a better more informed audit score at the end.
Thursday, 7th March 2024
Annual Exams
Released an export option to the annual assessment overview page, allowing account owners and VTS managers to quickly export details of their MOT testers’ exams for a chosen year (e.g. 2023-24 or 2019-20). Information included in the export includes:
  • Number of attempts per tester.
  • Number of billable exams during the period.
  • Exam status (passed, failed, not sat or not required).
  • Certificate numbers.
  • If the tester has verified their exam record on the MTS.
Toggle images/screenshots use the quick action button to export details of your testers annual exams
Wednesday, 6th March 2024
Released a new styling package to all system email templates. This completes Phase V of our staged rollout of a new comprehensive visual package to the MOT Juice platform.
Tuesday, 5th March 2024
Created a new role of ‘Training Contributor’ for highly-regarded MOT testers within the industry to submit content for training sessions. Training Contributors can build training questions from within their own existing MOT Juice account which may then be used in future training sessions. As a Training Contributor, your account will show all stats about how many times each contributed question has been used, how many testers have seen each question and the correctly answered percentage.
Replaced the ‘Refer a Friend’ button in the header bar to ‘MOT Manuals’ making it easier to access the MOT Juice Fast Search versions of the MOT Testing Guide and Inspection Manuals from your MOT Juice account. You can now quickly access the MOT manuals during training sessions or your annual assessment. The ‘refer a friend’ button is still accessible from the drop down menu when hovering over your account avatar in the top right of the system.
Toggle images/screenshots use the mot manuals button to quickly access the various mot manuals
the modal allows you to select which of the 3 manuals you want to access
February 2024
Wednesday, 28th February 2024
Site Audits
Added the ability to record and log your external and historical site audits into your MOT Juice account. You’ll be able to log any audits completed by a third-party company or internally as well as upload supporting documents evidencing the audit completion.
Toggle images/screenshots you can log an external site audit using the quick action button
Resolved an issue with the emissions checking KPI dial segments reporting incorrect values when 100% of the reviews had been completed for the month.
Thursday, 22nd February 2024
Emission Sample Checking
New headline statistics have been added to the emission cross-checking page, making it easier to see overall progress and risk associated with this activity. Drill-downs have been added to make it easier to find the individual tests that have been reported with issues (e.g. missing reports).
Toggle images/screenshots headline stats quickly inform you of the health of your emissions testing
detailed overview makes it easy to find the risks in your business
Resolved an issue where the engagement KPI data export was not reporting the figure in the emission cross checking column.
Wednesday, 21st February 2024
Added a new sorting option to the emission cross-checking KPI detailed breakdown allowing you to sort by ‘disciplinary issues’ highest or lowest first.
Toggle images/screenshots easily sort your detailed breakdown by number of disciplinary risks
Remote Support
Enhanced our remote support platform with various updates, including:
  • New visual changes.
  • Reduced length of session connection ID from 12 to 6 digits.
  • Identification of user device and browser version for assistance with tech diagnosis.
Account Profile
Added a new tab on profile settings to manage Tribe Forum profile, including setting an ‘Alias’ and a ‘Bio’. Other forum users can see this information and your alias will replace your name throughout the forum.
Toggle images/screenshots manage your tribe forum alias and bio
Added a new notification icon in the user drop down menu for the Tribe Forum, showing how many notifications each user has.
Toggle images/screenshots forum notification in the user menu
Tuesday, 20th February 2024
Resolved an issue where the TQI wasn’t loading when initiating a QC check.
Friday, 16th February 2024
Tribe Forum
Allowed the ability to add images into forum post replies including uploaded images and pasted images.
Thursday, 15th February 2024
Emission Cross Checking
Added warning notice when recording an emissions check with a report missing.
Toggle images/screenshots warning message shown when reporting an emission record as missing
Test Log Analysis
Added data retention when editing an existing test log analysis filter, preventing previous month rules and reviews for the filter making it easier to tack progression over months.
Tuesday, 13th February 2024
Resolved an issue where QC export was not including the notes.
Monday, 12th February 2024
Added ability to export 5-year training record.
Updated the positive feedback popups for completing various tasks within the MOT Juice system.
Friday, 9th February 2024
Test Log Analysis
Released a new visual package for the test log analysis popup window, separating test log data into clearly structured sections.
Test Log Analysis
Added vehicle mileage and test number to the test log analysis popup window.
Thursday, 8th February 2024
Resolved an issue where users weren’t seeing the exam upload verification window when switching user accounts after passing their annual assessment.
Emission Sample Checking
Released a new feature to the emission sample checking product allowing users to click a button and ‘refine’ the list of tests to fetch the fuel types of each vehicle allowing sites to action specific fuel types and exclude fuel types that don’t undergo emission tests.
Wednesday, 7th February 2024
Added the ability to export list of all account users to CSV.
Released a new visual package to the MOT Juice account setup wizard.
Tuesday, 6th February 2024
We have rebuilt the MOT Juice Training Module system and technology. This allows us to continue delivering a flexible and robust training platform that complies with all DVSA training regulations and requirements.
Friday, 2nd February 2024
Introduced changes to the emission sample checking KPI dial to include an orange segment that represents MOT tests checked but reported with issues (such as emissions report missing or no temperature taken at time of test).
Toggle images/screenshots risk segment added to emission checking kpi dial
Applied a new visual package upgrade to Test Quality Information (TQI) popups to make it clearer which TQI category is being viewed.
January 2024
Wednesday, 31st January 2024
Added ability to upload a copy of the calibration contract to each piece of your MOT equipment.
Tuesday, 30th January 2024
Made changes to Site Manager CPD training so that it automatically records the NT CPD as complete if taken before the NT CPD module.
Monday, 29th January 2024
Added the ability to view all your KPI dials for any of the last 12 months as they finished at the end of each month, making it easy to track progression of tasks over time.
Test Log Analysis
Disabled copy & paste for test log analysis reviews.
Friday, 26th January 2024
Released a new UI (User Interface) package upgrade for all system icons. This completes Phase IV of our staged rollout of a new comprehensive visual package to the MOT Juice platform.
Thursday, 25th January 2024
Made various database refinements to improve data processing speed and page load times.
Invoice X-Checks
Added new customisable settings to invoice cross-checking, allowing account owners to have greater control of how their individual sites conduct the activity. In this update, we have:
  • Added an option to enable/disable the forced inclusion of retests.
  • Added an option to ask for WIP and/or invoice number at the review stage.
Tuesday, 23rd January 2024
Released a new visual update to subscription upgrade screens. This update makes the upgrade process from a Demo account to a Live account more intuitive, simple and transparent.
Addressed an issue with engagement KPI breakdown not excluding newly qualified testers from the monthly CPD statistics.
Thursday, 18th January 2024
Released a new visual update to subscription upgrade screens. This update adds better package options for quick upgrade to a paid subscription from a demo account. This update makes the pricing options clearer and the packages clearly show what products/services are included.
Wednesday, 17th January 2024
Updated the remote support initiation process. This update makes the process of joining a remote support session easier and quicker as well as including more information about what to do to start a remote support session.
Tuesday, 16th January 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added a new data column allowing users to create analysis filters targeting emission test data. The following data columns have been added:
  • Emissions entry type (EGA, DGA, Unknown and ‘Blank’)
  • Emissions type (connected or manual)
Released a new integrated remote support feature within the MOT Juice platform, allowing users to connect to a support specialist without needing to download any third-party software (e.g. Teams or Zoom). Our integrated remote support facility allows you to initiate a session at the click of a button as well as allow us to take control of your MOT Juice account and guide you around on your own screen.
Tuesday, 9th January 2024
Annual Exams
Introduced a new account owner setting to control the exam release date to all MOT Testers employed by them. Account owners can now elect a specific date between 1st April and 31st December for the system to automatically release the exam to all their testers, allowing the client to ensure all testers complete their Annual Training before attempting their assessment.
Thursday, 4th January 2024
Test Log Analysis
Added a new data column allowing users to create analysis filters targeting vehicle models. This allows users to create filters to find specific models of vehicles (e.g. Toyota Hilux).
December 2023
Wednesday, 20th December 2023
Released a rebuilt subscription settings page to manage your MOT Juice account subscriptions. Easily see what products/services you are currently subscribed to and what subscriptions you can add to your account.
Friday, 15th December 2023
Emission Sample Checking
Added the ability to specify the fuel type of the vehicle being checked, and set different follow-up questions based on various scenarios to ensure more accurate and relevant reporting.
Wednesday, 6th December 2023
Released a new UI (User Interface) package upgrade for the purchase process when buying training modules and annual assessments through your MOT Juice account. You can now easily select multiple items and set a new payment card during the payment process.
November 2023
Thursday, 30th November 2023
Split test log analysis and invoice cross-checking activity into 2 separate metrics on the engagement KPI breakdown, making it easier to track compliance across both activities.
Tribe Forum
Added a VE only area to the Tribe Forum.
Wednesday, 29th November 2023
Added new customisable settings to the engagement KPI dial to customise which metrics/activities to measure. You can now include/exclude whichever metrics you want your business to track.
Friday, 24th November 2023
Released a new UI (User Interface) package upgrade for all system grids. This completes Phase III of our staged rollout of a new comprehensive visual package to the MOT Juice platform.
Emission Sample Checking
Changed the ability for account owners to specify an unlimited amount of tests to be checked each month for emission records. This allows clients to be able to check up to 100% of their MOT tests each month for correct emission testing practices within their MOT centre(s).
Monday, 13th November 2023
Made various visual changes to the MOT Juice VE accounts, including the ability to submit feedback through the system.
Tuesday, 7th November 2023
Enhanced the TQI information within QC checks, making TQI data more easily accessible during the QC check process.
Friday, 3rd November 2023
Emission Sample Checking
Added the ability to allow account owners to exclude petrol fuelled vehicles from being generated in the sample of tests to check for emission records. Any petrol vehicles that can be identified via connected equipment can be excluded from the sample list.
October 2023
Tuesday, 31st October 2023
Test Log Analysis
Released the ability for account owners to control the ‘mark all as reviewed’ feature on individual test log filters. After requests from some clients who wanted to prevent their sites from using the ‘mark all as reviewed’ ability, we have allowed the client to turn this feature on or off on their own individual filters to ensure more accurate and relevant review comments for certain test log filters.
Emission Sample Checking
Made alterations to the emission sample checking process where it is now possible to move to the ‘next’ item in the list after completing a review, instead of having to go back to the main list and selecting another test log to review.
Released a new settings panel for account owners to control TQI options. The settings include the ability to:
  • Enable/disable the use of the ‘mark all as reviewed’ function. If disabled, testers must review their high variance categories individually.
  • Prevent the use of repetitive characters in the comments boxes (e.g. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 etc).
  • Enable/disable the ability to ‘copy & paste’ comments into the comments box. If disabled, testers must type all their comments.
Friday, 27th October 2023
Added the ability for users to export to CSV a list of all their staff, including their roles, qualifications and last login date & time. The export only includes details of the staff that the user can manage (for example the account owner will be able to see all staff whereas a Site manager will only be able to see details of the staff they manage at their site(s)).
Released a new visual package upgrade to system notifications, creating alert levels (information, alert, warning, success) that are consistent with how they look throughout the system and clear in what they are communicating to the individual users.
Friday, 27th October 2023
Released a new UI (User Interface) package upgrade for all Quick Action panels and buttons across the system. This completes Phase II of our staged rollout of a new comprehensive visual package upgrade to the MOT Juice platform.
Thursday, 26th October 2023
Message Centre
Added the ability for message senders to send a notification email to all recipients of their message, alerting them that they have a new message in their MOT Juice account and to log in to read it, and whether or not acknowledgement of the message is required. This is an optional setting and is disabled by default, so senders will need to select to send the notification email.
Toggle images/screenshots toggle the ability to send an email notification with your message
Friday, 20th October 2023
Invoice X-Checks
Added the ability to export invoice cross-checking data to a CSV file. The export options include:
  • Garage – export an individual VTS or all VTS’s within your account/management control.
  • Review month – export data for a specific month over the last 12 months.
  • Include notes – select whether or not to include all review comments left by each site.
Thursday, 19th October 2023
Invoice X-Checks
Added a new settings panel to the invoice cross-checking feature for account owners to set custom settings. Available settings include:
  • Enable or disable the ability for users to use the ‘mark all as reviewed’ facility when reviewing invoice cross-checks.
  • The ability to force the inclusion of retests when conducting an invoice cross-check. Enabling this force retests to be included in the system algorithm meaning retests must be charged for.
  • Ability to enable (optional or required) custom fields as part of the review stage.
Resolved an issue where the tooltips on the ‘switch user’ popup weren’t displaying correctly.
Resolved an issue where the certificate number field was forcing characters to capitals when logging an external annual assessment in your MOT Juice account.
Wednesday, 18th October 2023
Message Centre
Added the ability to save a message as a ‘draft’ which can be saved, edited and sent at a later date/time.
Added an indicator for all TQI, test log analysis and invoice cross-checking comments to show if the comment was made using the ‘mark all as resolved’ facility.
QC Checks
Enhanced the QC export facility. Enhancements include:
  • Select a date range to export.
  • Summary report – includes details of each site and method of QC checks completed over the selected date range.
  • Detailed report – includes details of each individual MOT tester and Qc check completed with full QC details.
Tuesday, 10th October 2023
New Product
Emission Sample Checking
MOT Juice has developed a new product called Emission Sample Checking. This product automatically generates a sample of your test logs completed each month for you to conduct a review and ensure correct emissions testing standards, practices and document retention requirements have been followed.

You can control the settings for the generation process, with the ability to set how many samples to generate (a fixed number of tests each month, or a percentage of tests completed each month) as well as whether or not to require your site(s) to upload a copy of the emissions record as proof.

The review process will allow you to select the vehicle fuel type, whether a report is available or missing, if a temperature has been successfully taken and log what actions you will take (if any of the emission requirements have not been met).

More information about this feature, how it can help your MOT business and why it’s an essential compliance task can be found on our web page here:
Monday, 9th October 2023
Released a new UI (User Interface) package upgrade for the system. This release targets the navigation of the system, including the sidebar, header and footer. This completes Phase I of our staged rollout of a new comprehensive package upgrade to the MOT Juice platform.
September 2023
Friday, 22nd September 2023
New Product
MOT Juice have developed a brand new forum exclusive for all MOT Juice users – We call this the Tribe Forum.

The Tribe Forum is a space where MOT industry professionals can talk with each other, ask questions, get support, submit feature requests and more.

The forum is accessible to everyone with a registered MOT Juice account (paid or free) and does not require any additional subscriptions.
Invoice X-Checks
Added the ability for account owners and multi-site managers to initiate an invoice cross-check using a master invoice file, removing the need for each site to start the cross-check. You can now start an invoice cross-check which then requires the individual sites to log in and review the discrepancies.
Wednesday, 20th September 2023
New question styles have been added to our training modules. These include:
  • VE warning – these highlight anything currently being raised by VEs across the UK, alerting you of issues before a VE reaches you.
  • Forum link – these highlight any question that links back to a post in the new Tribe Forum.
Monday, 18th September 2023
QC Checks
Added a new settings panel to the QC checks area of the system. The QC settings are controlled by the account owner, and allow them to set the QC rules that will be enforced upon all their VTS’s and MOT Testers surrounding QC checks. The settings allow the account owner to set the stringency the MOT Juice system should apply to their QC operation. The following options are available:
  • Unrestricted (default) – users can record any type of QC check on testers. Comments are recommended but not required.
  • Monitored – use of the ‘void’ QC check is restricted. Any void checks must be signed-off by a higher manager.
  • Strict – Use of the ‘void’ QC check is disabled. Comments are required on all QC check methods.
  • Super-strict – Same rules as strict, but testers must have a different method of QC check carried out on them from the previous month.
Toggle images/screenshots control the stringency settings for your mot qc operation
Monday, 4th September 2023
Made changes to our bi-monthly account summary email template sent to users informing them of monthly progress of their compliance tasks. This update targets the styling of the email template as well as adjusting some of the content to make it easier to track which activities have been completed and which remain outstanding.
August 2023
No updates


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